Friday, 2 September 2011

Oracle BI Server Features

OBI Server is not mere SQL Generator:

SQL is generated by Oracle BI Server against the data sources using the data source connection, information from the repository, and database-specific parameters stored in a DBFeatures.ini file. Thus, Oracle BI Server is not just a SQL generator. It determines the best source and the optimal way to access data. In some cases, Oracle BI Server takes on operations that are more efficient for it to perform rather than the host data source.


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Purging OBI Server and Presentation Server Cache:

Purging BI Server Cache:

• BI Server cache is stored in the directory: d:\Oracle\OracleBIData\cache • Create the script called PurgeBICache.sql with following command:

Call SAPurgeAllCache ();

• Run the following command to invoke the script and clear the cache: nqcmd -d AnalyticsWeb -u Administrator -p Administrator -s PurgeBICache.sql -o purge_clear.log

• This will clear all the BI server cache entries for all the users.

Purging BI Presentation Server Cache:

        Presentation cache stores the finished report output in the presentation server. This is different from BI server cache. BI server could be leveraged by multiple users and reports depending on whether they are accessing similar or subset of the cached data, though from a different reports.

 Presentation cache is report specific and user specific cache entries residing in the D:\OracleBIData\tmp\ folder.

The expiry of this entry can be governed by following instance-config.xml file in <>\web\config directory:

CacheMinExpireMinutes Default 10

CacheMaxExpireMinutes Default 15


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OBI Authentication:

Authentication Options:

Oracle BI Server supports the following authentication types:

Operating system

When operating system authentication is enabled, users connecting to Oracle BI Server should not type a user ID or password at the logon prompt.If a user enters a user ID and (optionally) a password at the logon prompt, that user ID and password overrides the operating system authentication and Oracle BI Server performs the authentication.
To configure operating system authentication:
1. Enable operating system authentication in the NQSConfig.ini file.
2. Create a user in your repository named identically to the user ID in the trusted Windows domain.
3. Assign the group membership and rights that you want the user to have.

External table

• Instead of storing IDs and passwords in a repository, maintain lists of users and passwords in an external database table.
• Use Oracle BI session variables to get values.



Authenticates users through database logons
• To set up database authentication:
– Store user IDs (without passwords) in a repository.
– Import database to the repository.
– Specify authentication database in NQSConfig.ini.


Maintain lists of users and passwords in the repository using the Administration Tool.
• Oracle BI Server authenticates against this list unless:
– Another authentication method has already succeeded
– Database authentication is specified in NQSConfig.ini

Order of Authentication
1. Operating system (OS):
– No logon name
– Turned on in NQSConfig.ini
2. LDAP or external database table
– Populates session variables
3. Internal or database

Bypassing Oracle BI Security
It is possible to bypass Oracle BI Server security and rely on the security that is provided by issuing user-specific database logons and passwords.


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OBIEE Naming Best Practices

Below is the obiee naming best practices:

The rules for naming of items in Analytics:

a.    Be consistent – follow a format and stick with it

b.    Be descriptive – make the meaning clear in the name

c.     Be concise – don’t go overboard with descriptive names

d.    Include Units of Measure – for metrics and numerical attributes

Try to include the aggregation rule in the name of the metric to allow easy identification of what the metric is doing.

·        Counts can use the # sign as in # Cases

·        Averages or ratios can be used as in Avg. # Open Days

·        Sums may be shown as Totals as in Total Shipped Units

·        Mins/Maxes as in Max # Shipped Units

Be very precise in the language to convey the meaning of the metric and what it is measuring:

·        # Cases Opened means something different that # Open Cases.  The former refers to a number that occurred in the past that will not change as cases close, where the latter is a current snapshot of open cases that will eventually change.

For Logical tables, the name must represent the logical role

·        Account Monthly Average Sales is a different logical entity than Account Weekly Average Sales, and as such there should be two distinct logical tables with these names.  Similar examples may include: Adapted Account vs. Registered Product and Manager vs. Employee

A general rule of data modeling is to not name attributes with the name of the entity.  For example, in an Account table, don’t have columns such as

·        Account Name

·        Account Address

·        Account Phone #

This is redundant because the fields are already organized in the Account table.  Instead, just have the following fields:

·        Name

·        Address

·        Phone #

An exception can be made for attributes whose proper name happens to include the table name.  For example, Account Number is an attribute name that should not be split, as Number by itself typically does not have any meaning.

Consider adding certain units of measure to a metric to clarify what is being measure to a user.  A metric called

·        Coverage Met does not convey enough information.  Is Coverage Met measured in weeks or days or %? Try 13 week Coverage Met or # Coverage Met

For currency metrics, consider appending the unit of currency to the metric name.

·        For example, instead of Sale Amt, consider using Sale $ or $ Sale

·        Possibly consider using Sale Amt USD for multi currency environments.


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Repository Modeling – Tips , Key points etc.,

When Complex Join in Physical Layer ?

You can use the Physical Diagram feature to create joins between physical table objects. Note that complex joins can be used in this layer to express the relationships that do not involve a primary key–foreign key relationship. When you create a complex join in the Physical layer, you can specify expressions and the specific columns on which to create the join. When you create a complex join in the Business Model and Mapping layer, you do not specify expressions.
Why Complex Join in Logical Layer needed ?
- Logical complex joins are used to define join relationships in the BMM layer. A complex join tells Oracle BI Server that it can make the best decision about what exact Physical SQL to generate based on a logical query request. This is in contrast to a foreign key join in the BMM layer, which forces the server to use only that single physical join path between the two tables, even when a different path would be far more efficient.
-  The capability to create logical foreign key joins in the BMM layer is in the Administration Tool to provide backward compatibility with previous releases of the product.
Presentation Layer in RPD:
Organize and simplify the business model for a set of users
Single catalog must be populated with content from a single
business model; cannot span business models.
- Multiple catalogs can reference the same business model.
Aliases in Presentation Layer:
- An Aliases tab appears on the Presentation Catalog, Presentation Table, and Presentation Column property dialog boxes. If you modify a Presentation layer object, this tab keeps track of any prior names. Aliases are used to maintain compatibility with previously written queries after an object has been modified. You also can use this tab to specify or delete an alias for the Presentation layer objects.
- Best practice is to rename objects in the Business Model and Mapping layer and to minimize renaming in the Presentation layer.
 Why Validating a Repository is a necessary:
• All logical columns are mapped directly or indirectly to one or more physical columns.
• All logical dimension tables have a logical key.
• All logical tables have a logical join relationship to another logical table.
• There are at least two logical tables in the business model:
a logical fact table and a logical dimension table. Both can map to the same physical table.
• There are no circular logical join relationships.
• A presentation catalog exists for the business model.
 What is the use of Dimension Hierarchies ?
• Introduce formal hierarchies into a business model
• Establish levels for data groupings and calculations
• Provide paths for drill down 
 Why is Implicit Fact Column needed?
Dimension-only queries with columns from more than one dimension may not return the desired results.
• In a business model with conforming dimensions, many fact tables may join to the same dimensions.
• For dimension-only queries across multiple dimensions, Oracle BI Server picks the most economical fact table source based on the number and levels of joined dimensions.
Alternate for Connection Pool:
To specify specific database logon IDs for one or more databases, enter the appropriate user IDs and passwords for the user in the Logons tab of the User dialog box. When the connection pool omits the username, these usernames and passwords are used. Otherwise, these entries are ignored.
Administrator Account
• Is a default, permanent user account in every Oracle BI Server repository
• Cannot be deleted or modified other than to change the password and logging level. Any query issued from the Administrator account has complete access to the data; no restrictions apply to any objects.
Security Group Inheritance:
• Privileges granted explicitly to a user have precedence over privileges granted through groups.
• Privileges granted explicitly to a group take precedence over any privileges granted through other groups.
• If security attributes conflict, a user or group is granted the least restrictive security attribute.


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Connection Pool

- A connection pool contains information about the connection between Oracle BI Server and the data source. The connection pool contains data source name information used to connect to a data source, the number of connections allowed, timeout information, and other connectivity-related administrative details.
- Connection pools allow multiple concurrent data source requests (queries) to share a single database connection, reducing the overhead of connecting to a database.
- For each connection pool, you must specify the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed.
- After this limit is reached, the Oracle BI Server routes all other connection requests to another connection pool or, if no other connection pools exist, the connection request waits until a connection becomes available.
 - It is recommended that you create a dedicated connection pool for initialization blocks. There is at least one connection pool for each data source.


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NQS Config

- If the repository file name contains a space, enclose the file name within single quotation marks.

- If multiple repositories are specified as the default repository, the last one listed becomes the default repository.
- Any line beginning with a pound sign (#) will be treated as a comment


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